CCMH Membership is for college and university counseling centers as well as non-clinical departments in higher education!  

College and university counseling centers can join CCMH as Clinical Members to enjoy benefits such as using the full array of CCAPS instruments.  The CCAPS 62 and CCAPS 34 are the instruments used by clinicians and clients during mental health treatment, and the CCAPS-Screen is CCMH's general student body screener that you can offer to your student athletes and general student body.

Departments in higher education who are interested in using the CCAPS-Screen can join CCMH as Non-Clinical Members to enjoy the benefit of using the CCAPS-Screen with your students as a mental health screener.

If you think your center was a CCMH member in the past, please reach out to [email protected] for account information instead of creating a duplicate account.

Benefits by Member Type



Clinical Membership

  • A clinical member is typically a college counseling centers or training clinic with mental health professionals using CCMH tools (such as the CCAPS 34/62) with students in treatment. The CCAPS-Screen may be used to allow students to anonymously self-screen on the Counseling Center website, or for mental health providers to screen students on campus. 
  • Examples of clinical members: college counseling center, counseling center embedded in athletics, training clinic on campus. 

Clinical Membership Fee

  • Your membership tier is based on your counseling centers utilization. Utilization is defined as the total number of unique students with at least 1 attended appointment between July 1 and June 30 of the prior year.  Utilization is not total institution enrollment. 
  Utilization Fee
Tier 1 1-800 clients $475
Tier 2 801-1,599 clients $600
Tier 3 1,600+ clients $725


Non-Clinical Membership

  • A non-clinical member is typically a department within higher education without mental health professionals that use the CCAPS-Screen with the general student body for mental health screening. Non-Clinical members do not have access to the CCAPS 34/62 which are designed for students in treatment. 
  • Examples of non-clinical members: athletic department, academic department, research and assessment, health, promotion and wellness, health center.

Non-Clinical Member Fee

  • Non-Clinical Membership (CCAPS-Screen only) is a flat fee of $550.


Payment Information

You will have the opportunity to pay immediately with a credit card, or the ability to request an electronic invoice (which may also be paid with credit card). CCMH accepts Visa, MasterCard and American Express. CCMH does not accept wire transfers/ACH payments, unless you are an international institution with expressed permission from CCMH.

PSU W-9 is available upon request *please note that the remittance address is different the address for the institutional W9.  Checks sent to the address on the W9, or elsewhere on campus will not be received by CCMH. 

The CCMH membership year spans from July 1 – June 30 of each year.  **Annual dues are not prorated.  

**Effective July 1, 2024, the official address for correspondence with our center will change. Please update your records accordingly. All communications, including mail and deliveries, should be directed to our new address listed below:

New Address (Effective July 1, 2024):
Center for Collegiate Mental Health
Penn State University
501 Student Health Center
542 Eisenhower Road
University Park, PA 16802

Previous Address (Before July 1, 2024):
The Center for Counseling and Psychological Services
501 Student Health Center
University Park, PA 16802

This change reflects Penn State's ongoing commitment to maintaining accurate and effective communication with our stakeholders. Any correspondence sent to the old address after June 30, 2024, may not be delivered and/or will be returned to sender.  Official Penn State announcement regarding address change. 

We appreciate your attention to this update. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this transition, please feel free to contact us.

Please direct any questions about payment to [email protected]